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 Systems Integration

A systems integration company specializes in integrating multiple technologies together to achieve a functional cohesive finished system. For Church or House of Worship this includes the following design features.

  1. Audio system design and implementation.
    Studies the acoustic characteristic of a room using computer modeling software
    Applies various speaker models and locations within the software to determine the proper equipment and best coverage area(s)
    Discovers structural capabilities of the building and proper safe installation techniques.
        Discusses with customer how the system will be used, worship styles and instrumentation and vocal team/choir levels.
    Discovers audio interfaces with other systems in use currently or in the future. These might be audio/video recording, live streaming or distribution to other locations around the campus.
    After installation the integrator sets the system to match the characterizes of the room using the tools in a DSP device including equalization, time alignment, crossover points and uses other tools as needed to assure the end result is of the highest quality.
  2. Video system design and implementation.
    Determines all uses and applications of video for the facility
    Discusses desired quality levels desired, Streaming levels or broadcast quality.
    Determines camera locations for best audience views.
  3. Presentation System Design and implementation.
    Determines light levels in the room and specifies the appropriate display option(s)including projector brightness.
    Determines final image size based on the farthest viewer.
    Assists in discovering the best software options for the methods of use and capability of staff.
  4. Power & Control Design and Implementation
    Designs a system for powering essential equipment on and off using proper sequencing methods.
    Determines the building electrical grid capability and discovers whether proposed changes will require upgrades to power structure.
    Discovers existing grounding circuits and determines whether additional wiring is necessary to prevent ground loops within the equipment.

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